………..our german colleague Daniel Haensch, who is working in London, suggested to publish our concept for an endodontic treatment protocol in English too. He is inspired by the traceability of our presentation and particularly by the success of a protocol which is different in all stages (preparation,desinfection, obturation) from the endodontic goldstandard and yet based on approved old and new, forgotten or primarily ignored medical and dental knowledge.
The main issue of our protocol is the dominant role of disinfection in endodontic treatment which fell into background in the recent 50 years by a more mechanical orientation of academic endodontology. Prof Otto Walkhoff, a famous german dentist (1860 – 1934), was aware of this problem already early and had developed an endodontic protocol in the first third of the 20th century, which is based on three understandings: „Mechanics is the servant of disinfection, not vice versa.“, „In endodontic respect you should better over- than underrate bacteria“ and „The bucks can hide and must be killed everywhere before definite obturation, not only in the main channels, but also everywhere in the interior of the tooth, in the periapical tissue and in the granuloma!“ Therefore he designed a potential disinfectant and came to some basic treatment rules which allow a precise indication related treatment of endodontitis with different medicaments in all of its stages and manifestations, adjusted to the respecive finding. Our task was to adjust Walkhoffs demands to modern treatment experience, standards and appliances.
The text „Endodontitis . . . “ is written as an introduction into the problem of endodontic treatment related to findings and as a contribution to the debate with contemporary endodontology following a ‚goldstandard‘ which is not apt to achieve the designated success because of its primary blindness for fundamental basic knowledge and principles as well as for the results of modern studies. Thanks to Prof. Otto Walkhoff we were able to rediscover and apply a long term successful endodontic treatment protocol, which we do not want to keep back from those who are interested in maintaining endodontically diseased teeth.
Here you find the text: Download PDF
Here you find examples of treated cases: CASES