Dokumentation 11
In dieser Studie wurde die Wirksamkeit von CHKM und Ca(OH)2 auf E. faecalis in den Detintubuli bis zu einer Entfernung von 1000 Micron vom Wurzelkanal verglichen. Flüssiges CHKM desinfizierte schnell und vollständig, CHKM in Gasform desinfizierte die Dentintubuli wenn auch weniger schnell, Ca(OH)2 desinfizierte nicht einmal oberflächlich.
J Dent
Res 1987 Aug;66(8):1375-9 |
vitro infection and disinfection of dentinal tubules.
Haapasalo M, Orstavik D.
An in vitro model for
dentinal tubule infection of root canals was developed. Cylindrical dentin
specimens, 4 mm high with a diameter of 6 mm and a canal 2.3 mm wide, were
prepared from freshly extracted bovine incisors. The cementum was removed from
all dentin blocks. The tubules were opened by four-minute treatments with 17%
EDTA and 5.25% NaOCl before being infected with Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212
in yeast extract-glucose broth. Bacteria rapidly invaded the tubules. After
three weeks of incubation, a heavy infection was found 400 micron from the canal
lumen, and the front of the infection reached 1000 micron in some blocks.
Camphorated paramonochlorophenol (CMCP) and a calcium hydroxide compound,
Calasept, were tested for their disinfecting efficacy toward E.
faecalis-infected dentin. Liquid CMCP rapidly and completely disinfected the
dentinal tubules, whereas CMCP in gaseous form disinfected tubules less rapidly.
Calasept failed to eliminate, even superficially, E. faecalis in the tubules.
The method used in bacteriological sampling allowed for sequential removal of
100-micron-thick zones of dentin from the central canal toward the periphery.
Control specimens were uniformly infected and yielded growth in bur samples up
to some 500 microns from the surface. The model proved quite sensitive and seems
suitable for in vitro testing of root canal medicaments.
PMID: 3114347 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]