Dokumentation 13
In dieser Studie wurde die entzündliche Reaktion von Mäusegewebe nach subkutaner Injektion von 0.1 ml verschiedener mit Desinfektionsmitteln angereicherter Ca(OH)2-Pasten (Calen, Calen mit CHKM, Calen mit Parachlorphenol, Calasept-Paste) mit einer Kontrollgruppe (physiologische Kochsalzlösung) verglichen und die Reparationszeiten untersucht. Bei unterschiedlicher Entzündungs-Reaktion und -Stärke und -Dauer wurde bei allen Medikamenten eine Restitutio ad integrum beobachtet. Calen zeigte sich als am Besten biokompatibel, unter dem Zusatz von Parachlorphenol zeigte sich eine stärkere Entzündungsreaktion, die stärker war als unter Zusatz von CHKM. Calasept wirkte gewebezerstörend und der Reparations-Prozess verlief langsamer. Diese Studie Unterstützt die Aussagen des Herstellers, dass der Zusatz von Kampfer die ätzende Wirkung von Parachlorphenol aufhebt.
Endod J 1999 Aug;32(4):303-11 |
tissue responses to calcium hydroxide-based root canal medicaments.
Nelson Filho P, Silva LA,
Leonardo MR, Utrilla LS, Figueiredo F.
Department of
Pediatric Dentistry, Ribeirao Preto Dental School, USP, Brazil.
AIM: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the tissue inflammatory
response induced by calcium hydroxide pastes, with or without
paramonochlorophenol and camphor. METHODOLOGY: Isogenic BALB/c mice were
inoculated into the subcutaneous tissue with either 0.1 mL of a suspension of
Calen, Calen with camphorated paramonochlorophenol, Calen with
paramonochlorophenol, Calasept paste or phosphate-buffered saline (control).
After 6, 12 and 24 h and 2, 3, 5, 7 and 15 days, three animals in each group
were sacrificed and the excised lesions processed for histopathological
evaluation of the inflammatory response. Events monitored and graded included
the assessment of vascular congestion, oedema, haemorrhage, inflammatory
infiltrate, necrosis and tissue repair. RESULTS: The pastes induced an
inflammatory response at every observation period, although the intensity,
duration and extension of inflammation varied. Calen paste always produced an
initial short-term inflammatory response whilst the other pastes produced
extended reactions. All pastes allowed repair to take place by the end of the
experimental period, although the speed of this process varied between the
materials. Calen presented the best biocompatibility; the phenolic compound
caused greater tissue response, which was even more severe in the absence of
camphor. Calasept paste was damaging and the repair process slower. CONCLUSIONS:
All calcium hydroxide formulations caused an inflammatory response. The severity
and longevity of the responses varied between pastes as a result of the various
antiseptic agents. Although irritating, repair was apparent with all
PMID: 10551122 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]