Dokumentation 9
In dieser Studie wurde die Wirksamkeit von Ca(OH)2 -Paste mit einer mit CHKM angereicherten Ca(OH)2-Paste auf Keime untersucht (Actinomyces israelii, Fusobacterium nucleatum und Enterococcus faecalis), die in der Regel bei endodontischen Infektionen gefunden werden. Alle Bakterien wurden durch eine lediglich 1-stündige Einwirkung der CHKM-Ca(OH)2-Paste abgetötet, nur E. faecalis benötigte zur vollständigen Elimination eine Einwirkzeit von 24 Stunden. Im Gegensatz dazu war die Ca(OH)2-Paste auch nach einwöchiger Anwendung wirkungslos gegen E. faecalis und F. nucleatum.
1996 Dec;22(12):674-6 |
by calcium hydroxide pastes of dentinal tubules infected with two obligate and
one facultative anaerobic bacteria.
Siqueira Junior JF, de
Uzeda M.
Oral Microbiology
Laboratory, Institute of Microbiology, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
Bovine dentine cylinders were experimentally infected with Actinomyces israelii,
Fusobacterium nucleatum, or Enterococcus faecalis. The latter is a facultative
anaerobic bacteria and the others are obligate anaerobes commonly found in
endodontic infections. The infected specimens were exposed to pastes of calcium
hydroxide mixed with saline solution or camphorated paramonochlorophenol for
periods of 1 h, 1 day, and 1 week. The viability of bacteria after these
exposure times was evaluated by specimen incubation in culture medium to compare
the effectiveness of the pastes in disinfecting dentinal tubules. The calcium
hydroxide/camphorated paramonochlorophenol paste effectively killed bacteria in
the tubules after a 1-h period of exposure, except for E. faecalis that required
one day of exposure. In contrast, the calcium hydroxide/saline paste was
ineffective against E. faecalis and F. nucleatum even after 1 week of exposure.
The results showed that camphorated paramonochlorophenol increased the
antibacterial effects of calcium hydroxide.
PMID: 9220753 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]